Check back at the first of each month for a new blog from Pastor Robert!
Retiring FBCA Staff Members
February 13th, 2025
FBCA UPCOMING RETIREMENTSThank You for Your Years of Faithful Service!Debbie CorderWelcome Program Coordinator/ReceptionistStarted Working at FBCA: January 19, 2010Retirement Date of May 1Ellen FrazierMinistry Assistant to Adult DiscipleshipStarted Working at FBCA: February 26, 2007Retirement Date of May 15Mark MilroyDirector of Audio, Visual & LightingStarted Working at FBCA: July 3, 2020Retireme...
Happy New Year
January 6th, 2025
Happy Snow Day, First Family!What a blessing it is to begin my third year here at First Baptist. God has been amazing, powerful, and faithful as we have sought to follow His leadership in His church. You are such a loving congregation, and it is truly a joy for my family to be among you.As we step into this new year together, I want to invite you to renew your prayers for our Worship Leadership Se...
Advent Season
December 2nd, 2024
Dear First Family,The Advent season is officially underway!This past Sunday, we began our journey of anticipation and celebration, and I can assure you, after reviewing the worship plans for December, there isn’t a single Sunday you’ll want to miss.Each week of Advent, we’ll reflect on the traditional themes leading us toward Christmas:Hope on December 1st (Luke 1:26-38)Peace on December 8th (Matt...
Fall 2024 Schedule
October 1st, 2024
Dear First Family,Life often brings unexpected setbacks that challenge us and disrupt our plans. However, today, I want to offer a simple but powerful truth: setbacks do not always mean starting over. They are not the end of our journey but rather a part of the path God has carefully designed for us.Consider the Israelites as they fled Egypt under Moses' leadership. In Exodus 14, they faced the se...
Drawing the Net
September 3rd, 2024
Matthew 13:47“Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.”One of the consistent elements of our weekly worship services is that I offer a time for public invitation. This is a moment in each service after the Word of God has been read and preached in which people can physically respond to what the Lord is stirring in their lives. Fo...
Welcome Chuck Newman
July 22nd, 2024
First Family,It is with great joy and anticipation that we extend a warm welcome to our new Director of Music and Worship Ministry, Chuck Newman. As many of you know, Chuck joins us with a rich background in both music and worship leadership, and we are thrilled to see how God will use his talents and experience to enrich our worship here at First Baptist.His passion for leading worship and his de...
A View from a 3rd Grade VBS Class
July 16th, 2024
First Family,Serving as a co-leader for a great group of third-grade kids this week at Vacation Bible School has been my joy. Most of my class members do not come from First Baptist families but are our guests, which serves as a great reminder of Vacation Bible School's outreach potential. Your prayers are invaluable to us. Please join me in praying for all of our kids and their families who are i...
Time Marches On
July 8th, 2024
First Family,You have heard these sayings before:"Time flies when you're having fun.""Life is short.""Time keeps ticking away.""They grow up so fast."When I was younger, time seemed to pass slowly, and I always looked forward to what was next. But these days, I find myself not asking, “What is next?” but, “Where has the time gone?” In so many ways, I struggle to wrap my heart and mind around the p...
FBCA Constitutional & Budget Amendments
July 2nd, 2024
First Family,This coming Sunday is our second Quarterly Business meeting. We have several items to discuss and present. We will hear from both our search teams (Student and Worship), a report from our messengers at the Southern Baptist Convention, and an update from our newly appointed team, which has been stewarding the potential acquisition of the King Street properties. We will gather in the sa...
Welcome the Wimberlys
June 24th, 2024
First Family,I hope that you had the opportunity to meet Peter and Lauren Wimberly this past Sunday when they joined our church family. Peter is coming on staff as our second Director of Student Ministry. He and his wife Lauren have recently relocated from central Texas and quickly joined in last week by attending youth camp. I am confident that Peter will be a great addition to our team, and I lo...