A Personal Invitation

March 28, 2023

Dear First Family,

Have you invited anyone yet?

82% of people who don’t attend church say they would visit a church if they were personally invited (“The Unchurched Next Door” by Dr. Thom Rainer).

A personal invitation is a powerful opportunity for someone to find their way to a relationship with Jesus. The most effective way to welcome someone this Easter is with a face-to-face personal invitation. As you gather with friends, family, or neighbors over coffee, a meal, at the playground, at the gym, at the office, or at school, be prayerful and attentive for opportunities to simply invite someone to join you for Easter. Many families are looking for a place to go, and your invitation is powerful.

To help communicate the details, pick up an invitation card this Sunday at the church Welcome Center.

We are so excited about what God has in store this Easter at FBCA!

Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert





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