God's Promises

First Family,

The celebration of Christmas is a reminder that God keeps his promises. For thousands of years, the people of God carried a promise that He would send a Messiah to deliver them. At Christmas, we celebrate that this promise has been fulfilled, and the Messiah has come, and His name is Jesus.

Isaiah 49:15 is a perfect description of what we celebrate, even though we don't often associate it with Christmas. God's word says, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you."

Indeed, God has not forgotten. At Christmas, we see that He has remembered us and has been faithful. The promised Messiah has come. We are now almost 2,000 years into the next promise that He will come again. Let Christmas remind us that He has come, and He will come again, just as God has promised. God said, "I will not forget you."

Merry Christmas,
Pastor Robert





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