First Family,
What a joy it has been over the last few weeks to dialogue with you about our partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention. I am grateful for our capability to handle difficult conversations in a manner that honors Christ. Nowadays, finding such productive and prayerful dialogues is uncommon, but with the help of the Spirit, we have managed to achieve that. All to the Glory of God. What a powerful witness and testimony to our community…this is about the Body of Christ.
The most pressing issue of our time is the separation of humanity from God due to sin. The remedy to this predicament can be found in the Gospel. Southern Baptists have long collaborated to spread the message of Jesus to areas where it is not yet known. This is vital work that has eternal significance. Today, we have unprecedented opportunities to advance the Gospel through technology, opportunities, and Bible translation. It is a momentous time for us to intensify our partnerships and cooperation to fulfill the Lord God's purpose for building the church. Unfortunately, the SBC has lost almost half a million members in just one year. As Paul warned the church in Galatians 5:15 “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” This warning is a pertinent one for us to heed.
The vision of the SBC is to be a collection of like-minded churches working in cooperation with one another to impact the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. This mission remains our mission to “impact the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ,” and our partnerships aid us as a church family to fulfill our Great Commission mandate. Twelve percent of our general budget is given to our two primary partnerships (4% to SBC and 8% to BGAV). In addition, we contribute to special missionary offerings such as Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong. These funds, our prayers, and members of our congregation serving as missionaries are a significant part of this work in our partnership with the SBC and BGAV.
Jesus said in Matthew 9, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Our mission as believers is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. As representatives of FBCA, April and I will be attending the SBC convention to continue this conversation. We ask for your prayers as we work towards our common goal of spreading the message of the Kingdom. Let us remember that the world is watching and how we treat one another is crucial.
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
What a joy it has been over the last few weeks to dialogue with you about our partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention. I am grateful for our capability to handle difficult conversations in a manner that honors Christ. Nowadays, finding such productive and prayerful dialogues is uncommon, but with the help of the Spirit, we have managed to achieve that. All to the Glory of God. What a powerful witness and testimony to our community…this is about the Body of Christ.
The most pressing issue of our time is the separation of humanity from God due to sin. The remedy to this predicament can be found in the Gospel. Southern Baptists have long collaborated to spread the message of Jesus to areas where it is not yet known. This is vital work that has eternal significance. Today, we have unprecedented opportunities to advance the Gospel through technology, opportunities, and Bible translation. It is a momentous time for us to intensify our partnerships and cooperation to fulfill the Lord God's purpose for building the church. Unfortunately, the SBC has lost almost half a million members in just one year. As Paul warned the church in Galatians 5:15 “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” This warning is a pertinent one for us to heed.
The vision of the SBC is to be a collection of like-minded churches working in cooperation with one another to impact the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. This mission remains our mission to “impact the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ,” and our partnerships aid us as a church family to fulfill our Great Commission mandate. Twelve percent of our general budget is given to our two primary partnerships (4% to SBC and 8% to BGAV). In addition, we contribute to special missionary offerings such as Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong. These funds, our prayers, and members of our congregation serving as missionaries are a significant part of this work in our partnership with the SBC and BGAV.
Jesus said in Matthew 9, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Our mission as believers is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. As representatives of FBCA, April and I will be attending the SBC convention to continue this conversation. We ask for your prayers as we work towards our common goal of spreading the message of the Kingdom. Let us remember that the world is watching and how we treat one another is crucial.
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
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