There are so many ways to be part of worship at FBCA. Find a place to use your talents!
Do you love to sing?
Join the FBCA choir! There are so many opportunities to use your talent, weekly and for special events.

Do you play an instrument?
Come join our orchestra and let your musical talent be part of our worship experience.

Handbell Choirs
Handbell choirs available for all ages!
Children 3rd - 7th grade and up can join the children's handbell choir. (Register children using 'children's music' link .)

Music for Children and Youth
Kids, preschool through high school, are invited to participate in music groups. They will have opportunities to share multiple times each year.
YOUTH CHOIR | Sundays at 5:00pm
Youth Choir is for 7th-12th grades. Youth Band and Youth Drama meet at 4pm.
Children's Handbells | Wednesdays 5:30 -6PM
Children in 3rd - 6th grades have a great opportunity to play in the children's handbell choir before Kids Praise Choirs. No prior experience necessary.
Kids Praise Choirs | Wednesdays 6-6:45PM
During the school year choirs for children aged 3 years* through 6th grade meet. We also have Music and Movement for 1s and 2s which meets the same time as the children's choirs (age 1 by Sept 30, 2024).
* Available for children age 3 by Sept 30, 2024.
CLICK HERE to register for Kids Praise
Children's Music Camp is for children who completed grades 1-6 during the previous school year. The 2025 dates are July 28-August 1 | One week, Mon-Fri, 9:30am-12:30pm |. The cost is $30 per child.
Tech Team