Church Committees & Commissions

Executive Church Council
Responsible for coordinating programs and activities of 4 committees & 3 commissions & recommends major programs to the church for approval

Chair: Senior Pastor Robert Stephens
VC1: Bernie Ritzert
VC2: Brian Klock
Member: Church Administrator Sam Moneyhun

Members: Jeff Cunningham, Annabelle Floyd, Allen Frazier, Clay Holloway, Scott Humphrey Mark Kern, Jimmy Kirby, Daniel Lopez, Phil Rexroth, Susan Riojas, David Townsend, Sam Taylor, Mahlet Tsigie
Finance Committee
Develops & recommends church budget & spending plan to ECC, arranges for annual audit & counsels with prospective donors on memorial gifts

Chair: Phil Rexroth

Members: Megan Jackson, Brian Kelly, Annie Kern, Becky Riekerts, Tricia Ritchie, Brittany Robison, Simon Joseph, Jeannette Smith
Nominating Committee
Nominates Chairs & Vice Chairs of committees & commissions, Trustees, Church Officers & At-Large ECC Members

Chair: Mark Kern

Members: Matt Eisemann, Chris Elliff, Jeremy Foot, Chris Jones, Grace Mulder, Mary Jane Pessaud, Branden Ritchie, Danielle Whitley
Personnel Committee
Documents staff position descriptions, reviews performances & recommends salaries for all church staff

Chair: Jeff Cunningham

Members: Michelle Lehman, Angie Snyder, Andrea Tibbs, TWO vacancies
Property Committee
Manages all church property (buildings, grounds, vehicles, equipment, furnishings) & stays current on planning, repairs, budget execution & building usage

Chair: Allen Frazier

Members: Patrick Bayliss, Sidney Bennett, Malcolm Brown, Wes Foster, Faith Proctor, Cliff Rybick, Joan Sass, Alex von Guggenberg, 
Christian Development Commission (CDC)
Responsibilities: Bible Teaching, Discipleship Programming, Church Fellowships & Hospitality, Teacher/Leader Training, Church History Records, Weekday Children's Ministry, Annual Foundation Scholarships

Chair: Pastor Reed Bernick
1st Vice Chair: Daniel Lopez
2nd Vice Chair: Mahlet Tsigie

Members: Georgiana Bossley, Tracy Jackson, Monica Klock, Corey McGee, Erin Rexroth, Tim Sullivan, Cynthia Trice, 
Mission & Evangelism Commission (MEC)
Responsibilities: Plans, coordinates, implements & evaluates mission & evangelism strategies, in accordance with the vision & mission of FBCA

Chair: Pastor Jesse McCain
1st Vice Chair: Annabelle Floyd
2nd Vice Chair: Clay Holloway

Members: Tim Bailey, Cori Canady, Jean Clark, Lea Ann Gardner, Jeff Jordan, David Snyder, Debbie Townsend
Worship Commission
Responsibilities: Worship & Prayer Services, Music Ministry Groups, AVL Systems & Tech Teams for worship & concerts, Flowers & Decorations in the Worship Center, Support of Ordinances (Communion and Baptisms), Support of Ushers & Greeters for Worship Services, Instrumental maintenance

Chair: Alydia Wingard
1st Vice Chair: David Townsend
2nd Vice Chair: Jimmy Kirby

Members: Rachel Acker, Michael Bible, Alex Coldren, Bobby Combs, Linda Pyne, Barbara Ritzert, Josh Turner