Find a place to belong.
The most important way you can get involved at FBCA is to be a part of a group. Groups come in a variety of shapes and sizes and meet on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. So whether you're interested in a men's study, a book club, or a dinner gathering, use our Group Finder to see the groups that are currently meeting and make a decision now to invest in community and spiritual growth.

The Young Adult ministry is a group for those in their 20's and 30's, married and single. The focus is on building authentic relationships with one another and with Jesus. We're passionate about allowing scripture the chance to shape the ways we act, think, and speak.
You can get involved by joining a community group, attending a class on Sunday mornings at 11am, or participating in one of our get togethers. Sign up for the YA newsletter below and find a home away from home and a family here in Washington, DC.

Between men's and women's ministry, Sunday morning groups for parents, intergenerational Bible studies, events for singles mid-30s to mid-50s, and everything in between - we're passionate about making sure that everyone has a place to belong and grow at FBCA, regardless of age or stage of life.
Groups meet throughout the week and there are plenty of opportunities to be involved. Sign up for the church newsletter below (called The Beacon) to learn more. Find a goup to join through the Group Finder link at the top of this page.

Senior adults
Senior Adult ministry (55+) at First Baptist brings together people of all walks of life, and the diversity of experiences and perspectives results in a vibrant and active community. Some are still working, others are retiring or planning their next move.
Sign up for the SA newsletter through the link below to learn more about our weekly classes and Bible studies, mission projects, fellowship events, and more.

Women's Ministry
This ministry strives to help women:
KNOW...their true identity in Christ.
GROW...relationships with women of all ages & stages.
GO...serving others for God's glory.
Women's ministry is a place that fosters relationships in an intergenerational community of women from all walks of life. There are lots of opportunities to grow in your understanding of Christ’s love for us and His plan for our lives through Bible studies, social gatherings and service opportunities. The ultimate goal is to equip you to better love & serve God & those around you.

Men's Ministry
The vision for this ministry is to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and make connections among men at FBCA.
The Men’s Ministry welcomes brothers in Christ of all ages and life stages. Through regularly scheduled breakfasts and other shoulder-to-shoulder service activities, we form bonds critical to discipleship. This ministry also provides resources and support for men to be transformed by the power of Jesus.