FBCA Deacon Ordination

First Family,

Wednesday nights at FBCA continue to be among my favorite opportunities of the week. Each week we gather for a meal from 5-6pm followed by a time of discipleship for all ages.  Join us for dinner soon!

Our children step into Children’s Choir, our students join Small Group Bible Studies and our Adults have a time of prayer and worship in the Faith Activities Center.  Wednesday nights are a great time of fellowship and an strengthen moment of study as we gather at the mid-point of the week.  

On Wednesday February 7th we will host a special ordination service at 6pm in the FAC. Our congregation nominated 11 new deacons to serve our church. A few of these are being activated to service at FBCA while others are being ordained for the first time.

The role of a deacon is an important one. It is one of two biblical offices of the church. At FBCA our deacons fulfill the biblical guidance of being servants. As the pastor I am so grateful for a deacon body that desires to serve and help do the work of ministry. I often refer to our deacons as ministry multipliers as they are able to extend our ministry reach far beyond our pastoral staff.

Here is a list of our newly appointed deacons:
  • Becky Rieksts
  • Catherine Friend
  • Darla Eisemann
  • Dianne Hollis
  • Jeff Cunningham
  • Jerry Heilbronner
  • Josh Finestone
  • Monica Klock
  • Pam Shoemaker
  • Randy Martinson
  • Stephanie Angle

I hope that you will make a special effort to attend this ordination service and be in prayer for these newly appointed deacons at FBCA.

Servant for His glory,
Pastor Robert





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