First Family,
It was said of the early church in Acts 2:47,
“And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
We shared this passage of scripture together a few weeks ago as a testimony of God’s work amongst FBCA. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate and give thanks to God for the work that He is doing in the lives of people within our community. In the last 90 days, we have witnessed 27 people make professions of faith that Jesus is their Lord!
Praise God!
What an exciting and encouraging update for us as a congregation! I hope you receive this news with joy in your heart and a desire for more. While the church can do many good things, there is one crucial duty that only the church can fulfill: sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to assist individuals in finding and following Jesus, and today we join the angels in celebrating that 27 people have come to know Him. Could you please take a moment now and offer a prayer of gratitude to the Lord? “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
It was said of the early church in Acts 2:47,
“And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
We shared this passage of scripture together a few weeks ago as a testimony of God’s work amongst FBCA. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate and give thanks to God for the work that He is doing in the lives of people within our community. In the last 90 days, we have witnessed 27 people make professions of faith that Jesus is their Lord!
Praise God!
What an exciting and encouraging update for us as a congregation! I hope you receive this news with joy in your heart and a desire for more. While the church can do many good things, there is one crucial duty that only the church can fulfill: sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to assist individuals in finding and following Jesus, and today we join the angels in celebrating that 27 people have come to know Him. Could you please take a moment now and offer a prayer of gratitude to the Lord? “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Servant for His Glory,
Pastor Robert
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