Pastor Kim Eskridge
June 7, 2022
At FBC Alexandria, there is a hum around the office these days. Many think of summer as a time to relax and slow down, but that’s not the case around here. It’s the busiest time of year for anyone in ministry to children and youth. While some things are taking a break for the summer, much more is just around the corner, and this rhythm of ministry has been a familiar friend of mine for 16 years now.
On Sunday afternoon, we held our annual Vacation Bible School Kick-Off Celebration, which is a time for volunteers to come together to learn more about the theme for the year, including the music, Scripture, and big ideas that we will be sharing with the children and to have some fellowship and fun. This year’s theme is Spark Studios, a creative space where anything is possible. Our focal verse, Ephesians 2:10, is one of my life verses: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Throughout the week, we will explore God’s design and purpose for our lives. Here is a list of the themes and big ideas for each day:
Day 1: God, the Creator: God is the marvelous Creator.
Day 2: God, the Designer: God uniquely designed us for His purpose.
Day 3: Jesus, the King: Jesus is the King that God promised, sent to save us.
Day 4: Jesus, the Redeemer: Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to save us.
Day 5: Holy Spirit, the Helper: The Holy Spirit gives us the power to follow God’s plan.
Our volunteer team is always multi-generational, and we appreciate everyone who takes time out of their summer. It is always enriching to our team to have our youth joining us. This year in particular, we are thrilled to see some young adults who have grown up at First Baptist teaching the children that God will bring through our doors. What a joy it will be to serve alongside them! Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, July 18, and we would appreciate your prayers as we seek to reach our community with the love of Christ.
Of course, VBS isn’t the only thing going on at First Baptist this summer. A group of 65 children and chaperones will depart on June 20 for a week away at CentriKid. While we are there, we will spend time in God’s word, worship Him, and seek to grow in our relationship with Him and with each other. The week after VBS, we will host the “PrayStation” Music Camp, which will focus on the Lord’s Prayer. Our youth are getting ready for a great summer, too! They will also go to camp June 18 – 22 and then away for the Youth Choir mission trip July 8 – 15, and many will be serving on our VBS team.
For all of these things, we ask for your prayers - for safety and health and that our children and youth will grow in their faith. When summer ends, may we look back and see how all that our Lord has prepared in advance came together for His glory and honor.
June 7, 2022
At FBC Alexandria, there is a hum around the office these days. Many think of summer as a time to relax and slow down, but that’s not the case around here. It’s the busiest time of year for anyone in ministry to children and youth. While some things are taking a break for the summer, much more is just around the corner, and this rhythm of ministry has been a familiar friend of mine for 16 years now.
On Sunday afternoon, we held our annual Vacation Bible School Kick-Off Celebration, which is a time for volunteers to come together to learn more about the theme for the year, including the music, Scripture, and big ideas that we will be sharing with the children and to have some fellowship and fun. This year’s theme is Spark Studios, a creative space where anything is possible. Our focal verse, Ephesians 2:10, is one of my life verses: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Throughout the week, we will explore God’s design and purpose for our lives. Here is a list of the themes and big ideas for each day:
Day 1: God, the Creator: God is the marvelous Creator.
Day 2: God, the Designer: God uniquely designed us for His purpose.
Day 3: Jesus, the King: Jesus is the King that God promised, sent to save us.
Day 4: Jesus, the Redeemer: Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to save us.
Day 5: Holy Spirit, the Helper: The Holy Spirit gives us the power to follow God’s plan.
Our volunteer team is always multi-generational, and we appreciate everyone who takes time out of their summer. It is always enriching to our team to have our youth joining us. This year in particular, we are thrilled to see some young adults who have grown up at First Baptist teaching the children that God will bring through our doors. What a joy it will be to serve alongside them! Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, July 18, and we would appreciate your prayers as we seek to reach our community with the love of Christ.
Of course, VBS isn’t the only thing going on at First Baptist this summer. A group of 65 children and chaperones will depart on June 20 for a week away at CentriKid. While we are there, we will spend time in God’s word, worship Him, and seek to grow in our relationship with Him and with each other. The week after VBS, we will host the “PrayStation” Music Camp, which will focus on the Lord’s Prayer. Our youth are getting ready for a great summer, too! They will also go to camp June 18 – 22 and then away for the Youth Choir mission trip July 8 – 15, and many will be serving on our VBS team.
For all of these things, we ask for your prayers - for safety and health and that our children and youth will grow in their faith. When summer ends, may we look back and see how all that our Lord has prepared in advance came together for His glory and honor.
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