Put On a Happy Face

I have some exciting news! Following the release of new guidelines from the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, and the City of Alexandria, our church is taking immediate steps toward an eventual return to pre-pandemic normalcy.

Beginning this Sunday, May 23:

1. Registration will no longer be necessary in order to attend worship services. Just come.

2. Seating is open—it will be the pew of your choice.

3. Masks will no longer be required for those who are fully vaccinated. That is, those who are two weeks out from their second Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, or two weeks after one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Masks will still be required for those in the worship service, ages 3 and up, who are not fully vaccinated. We will trust you on this.

4. Masks will still be required for all adults and children in our Children’s Ministry, and for everyone else who is in our children's area, regardless of vaccination status. Our children have not yet been vaccinated, and we continue to comply with CDC guidance and state and local requirements to protect our children. More details about this will be sent to parents and Kids' Connection volunteers soon.

5. A one-time enrollment is still required before children attend on Sunday mornings. We have to know who is coming so that we know that we are prepared for them. Enrollment is available on the children's page of the website.

You have been so positive and cooperative during these long 15 months of the pandemic. I cannot thank you enough for your encouraging support. I know that you join me in relief that we are able to take these steps now. But, we remain committed to safety and sensitivity to others who are still hesitant to attend in person. Although masks will no longer be required for the fully vaccinated, they may certainly be worn by any and all who wish to wear them. And there is plenty of room to spread out in our large sanctuary for those who might want a bit more distance between themselves and others.

Guidance regarding additional Bible Study classes returning to the building will be announced over the days just ahead, so stay tuned for that. One thing is absolutely certain, though. Scores of volunteers are going to be needed (primarily with children) before we can swing wide open the doors. Please contact Pastor Kim right away and tell her that you are willing to serve wherever you are needed. It's almost like we are a "new church start" when it comes to some of this, and every member is needed for it to be a success.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. And please invite your friends to join us, too.





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