ramblin' ...with don davidson

This is the title of a column I regularly wrote for my high school newspaper. I revive it occasionally now to map some "stream of conscious" thoughts---

October may be my favorite month (or at least I think so today): the crispness beginning to show up in the air, leaves, the Fall Festival, Halloween, my birthday. The only drawback is that I often struggle with allergies during these days... It's also "Pastor Appreciation Month"-- unnecessary, because you always make me and my colleagues feel appreciated--and I am grateful for every kind word.

... I am a news junkie, and in a typical week I read a variety of publications at least once: the Washington Post and the Washington Times; the New York Post and the New York Times; The Economist, The Atlantic, Christianity Today and The Christian Century. The variety gives me a better handle on what's really happening.

Note to self: Get your FLU SHOT this week!...My favorite TV drama right now (we only watch one per season) is "Bluff City Law" on NBC, Monday nights. Audrey thinks that Jimmy Smits is cute, and I am always drawn to courtroom drama... Emerson wrote about the inner struggles we all have: "My giant goes with me wherever I go."

...Well, as Joaquin Andujar, baseball pitcher and philosopher, once said: "You can sum up the game of baseball in one word--You never know...”

My touchstone for distressing times is Jesus! What He taught, how He lived, what He expects from His disciples. And the Spirit's power indwelling us to help us live that way...

God continues to scatter our members across the United States and to places around the globe-- sometimes dangerous places. For most, the move is permanent. But for others there is the expectation that they will return to us one day. "We'll leave the light on in the steeple for you," I tell them. We still have that! It's sad to see them go, of course, but on the upside--I have friends now on every continent!

...New rule: If you are moving away, you have to recruit a new member to take your place before you go!

This is true: It's not a "mid-life crisis" if you survive it.

Progress is being made every day on our new sanctuary. It's an exciting time to be a part of First Baptist, Alexandria!




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